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Abu Dhabi
March 25, 2024

‘Cultivating Collaborative Leadership’ session: An impactful approach to leadership excellence

In a bid to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth, the leadership team at GSG MENA schools have started attending and hosting collaborative leadership building sessions. With a vision to nurture well-rounded individuals, a dedicated session titled 'Collaborative Leadership Building' was initiated, aimed at providing a platform for contemplation, learning, and mutual support among the staff members.


Led by Mr. Dilip Kumar, Principal of GIIS Abu Dhabi, the session emphasised the importance of building organisational capacity through a phased approach. The introductory session laid out the framework for future discussions, highlighting the significance of individual growth, intra-organizational collaboration, and ultimately, the transformation of organisational culture.


Mr. Dilip articulated a comprehensive model for capacity building, drawing from his extensive experience in the field of education. He emphasised the pivotal role of leadership in identifying and nurturing talent within the organisation. Through targeted initiatives such as leadership training, mentorship programs, and rotational opportunities, individuals are empowered to realise their full potential.


At the heart of the collaborative leadership model lies a commitment to shared vision and mission. Regular staff meetings and cross-campus learning walks serve as platforms for collective engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and alignment towards common goals.


The session underscored the importance of investing in continuous learning and upskilling, both at the individual and organisational levels. By embracing a culture of innovation and risk-taking, leaders can challenge existing practices and drive meaningful change.

As the session concluded, participants were encouraged to reflect on their personal and professional goals, and to actively engage in the journey of capacity building. With a shared commitment to excellence, GIIS Abu Dhabi is poised to chart new heights in educational leadership, guided by the principles of collaboration, learning, and empowerment.


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